Sermons & Classes Archive

Sermons & Classes Archive

Displaying 851 - 875 of 1045

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
12/09/20 Bible class 12/09/20 BLANK Bible Class N/A Sunday Bible Class
12/06/20 Worship p.m. - 12/06/20 - Colly Caldwell BLANK Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship
12/06/20 Worship 12/6/20 - Steve Patton BLANK Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship
12/04/20 Bible Class - 12/2/20 BLANK Bible Class N/A Sunday Bible Class
11/29/20 Worship p.m. 10/04/20 BLANK Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship
11/29/20 Worship p.m. 10/11/20 BLANK Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship
11/29/20 Worship p.m. 10/25/20 BLANK Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship
11/29/20 Worship p.m. 10/18/20 BLANK Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship
11/29/20 Worship p.m. 11/08/20 Brent Lewis Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship
11/01/20 Worship p.m. 11/01/20 Frederick Grey Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship
05/24/20 Acts 17 Tommy Peeler Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship 20200524_am-Acts17.mp3
05/06/20 Colossians 2 Tommy Peeler Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class
04/29/20 Colossians 1-2 Continued Tommy Peeler Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class
04/22/20 Colossians 1 Tommy Peeler Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class
04/19/20 Sad Words of Rejection Tommy Peeler Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship
04/15/20 Colossians Intro - 1 Tommy Peeler Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class
04/08/20 Ephesians 6 Tommy Peeler Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class
04/01/20 Ephesians 5-6 Tommy Peeler Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class
03/25/20 Ephesians 5 Tommy Peeler Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class
03/08/20 What shall we do?  Lk 3:10; 12; 14 Tom Holley Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting - Tom Holley Other 20200308_what-shall-we-do-gospel-meeting-Tom-Holley.mp3
03/08/20 They made ‘widely’ know...Lk 2:17 Tom Holley Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting - Tom Holley Other 20200308_they-made-widely-know-gospel-meeting-Tom-Holley.mp3
03/08/20 I must be about my Father's business...Lk 2:49 Tom Holley Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting - Tom Holley Other 20200308_i-must-be-about-my-fathers-business-gospel-meeting-tom-holley.mp3
03/07/20 The oath which He swore... Lk 1:73 Tom Holley Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting - Tom Holley Other 20200307_the-oath-which-he-swore-gospel-meeting-tom-holley.mp3
03/06/20 Let it be according to your word. Lk 1:38 Tom Holley Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting - Tom Holley Other 20200306_let-it-be-according-to-your-word-gospel-meeting-tom-holley.mp3
03/05/20 Because you did not believe...Lk 1:20 Tom Holley Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting - Tom Holley Other 20200305_because-you-did-not-believe-gospel-meeting-tom-holley.mp3

Displaying 851 - 875 of 1045

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