Sermons & Classes Archive

Sermons & Classes Archive

Displaying 76 - 100 of 1026

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
09/15/24 Major Themes of the Major Prophets - #5 Sin and Worship John Guzzetta Sermon N/A Sunday Bible Class
09/15/24 Who Can Stand in the Day of the Lord John Guzzetta Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship
09/15/24 Even The Tax Collectors, Gentiles, and Demons Will Speer Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship
09/11/24 Major Themes of the Major Prophets - Lesson 4 John Guzzetta Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class
09/08/24 Major Themes of the Major Prophets - Injustice and Greed John Guzzetta Bible Class N/A Sunday Bible Class
09/08/24 He Gave Them Their Request But.. John Guzzetta Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship
09/08/24 The Real Reason People Aren't Saved John Guzzetta Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship
09/04/24 Major Themes of the Major Prophets - Lesson 2 John Guzzetta Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class
09/01/24 Take Heed (Part II) John Guzzetta Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship
09/01/24 Take Heed (Part I) John Guzzetta Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship
09/01/24 Major Themes of the Major Prophets - Lesson 1 John Guzzetta Bible Class N/A Sunday Bible Class
08/28/24 Acts - Lesson 43 (final for series) John Guzzetta Bible Class N/A Sunday Bible Class
08/25/24 Acts - Lesson 42 John Guzzetta Bible Class N/A Sunday Bible Class
08/25/24 Taking Every Thought Captive John Guzzetta Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship
08/21/24 Acts - Lesson 41 John Guzzetta Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class
08/18/24 Press on to Leadership John Guzzetta Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship
08/18/24 Acts - Lesson 40 John Guzzetta Bible Class N/A Sunday Bible Class
08/18/24 Cornerstone Will Speer Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship
08/14/24 Acts - Lesson 39 John Guzzetta Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class
08/11/24 Acts - Lesson 38 John Guzzetta Bible Class N/A Sunday Bible Class
08/11/24 Don't Fall Short John Guzzetta Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship
08/11/24 The Blessing of Admitting Wrong John Guzzetta Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship
08/07/24 Acts - Lesson 37 John Guzzetta Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class
08/04/24 Sins of Bible Heroes John Guzzetta Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship
08/04/24 The Dos and the Do Nots of Suffering Will Speer Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship

Displaying 76 - 100 of 1026

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